• broken image
    • Experience the comprehensive healing that aligns all chakras, heals disease, pain, and depression.


    First receive a channeled message from the Akashic Records where your life purpose is revealed. The dots are connected from another life to your current existence. Learn why this is part of your experience. Then receive your Holy Spirit healing. It is more intense than Reiki.


    Imagine talking with Susan. She says her prayer to call in the Holy Spirit. It surrounds and protects you in a bubble of pure source energy. Then she does a chakra scan and tells you where you are blocked. Within minutes, these chakras are open and flowing.


    With this new enlightenment and healing, you will be in your highest vibration. You will attract amazing changes in your life as illness, pain, sadness, and poverty mind sets can’t exist in this frequency.

    This powerful new cure is a miracle of the Ascension and so we ask the question,

    Do you believe you are worthy to receive this Gift from God?


    Susan Lukas offers half-hour and one-hour channeled sessions for individuals and couples. Visit pre-birth planning and soul contracts, talk to loved ones in spirit, balance karma, and learn how to release old patterns of fear and pain. Susan talks with Akashic Records guides, your guides, your loved ones in spirit, Ascended Masters and archangels. Bring your questions to talk to high-level guides.


    • Benefits of an Akashic Records Reading from Susan
    • Karma is healed, which is necessary for ascension
    • This is a new type of healing created for the ascension. Susan is the only healer in SE Wisconsin who does this level of healing.
    • Clarity concerning your life purpose and spiritual growth
    • Knowledge of other lives to help you now, and learn why soulmates comes to you in life after life
    • Pre-birth planning and soul contracts discussed to develop a higher understanding and truth about your life and multidimensionality
    • Understand patterns and soul contracts that have followed you in life after life
    • Kundalini healing, which is the awakening of the God force within. This awakening is necessary if a soul wishes to ascend.
    • Susan Lukas is an experienced reader and master healer in the Akashic Records.
    • Pain management for the body, mind, and spirit
    • Based on Reiki training. Susan works with three types of energy: Reiki, Holy Spirit, and Akashic Records. She is mentored by Ascended Master Quan Yin.

    Read the testimonials from other clients and then book your session with Susan.


    broken image



    I felt the energy as it moved through my chakras.

    I've never experienced anything like it.

    Definitely high class! Absolutely thoroughly, in-depth, significant healing!



    Sue, thank you for a wonderful reading and I’ll be in touch as I explore everything that came to
    light. Blessing to you!
    Thanks! This was really great! I received a lot of validation.
    Provides great healing and insight with messages from the Akashic Records.
    I recommend Susan’s services.
    This really resonated with me and helped me.
    It was not what I was expecting, but it really helped me.
    This is why I came to this show so I could hear what you just confirmed for me.
    Thank you so much.
    Wow! When you first started talking, I didn't understand what you meant, but then we talked about what was important and you helped me to understand it all. Thank you!
    I have been told that I was a witch, and I felt I was a witch before.
    I am drawn to plants and herbs.
    Your reading confirmed for me what I suspected.
    You gave me the path to pursue this new direction.
    That was an excellent reading. I had another medium tell me that she wouldn't
    read me because my energy was too scattered. But you made sense of it
    and I understand my path better. Thank you!
    I want to sign up for your mailing list and keep in contact. Your message
    helped me to understand what happened from a loving point of view.

    Thank you, Eileen
    You answered all myquestions! I didn't even ask. I will definitely see you again.


    Did you enjoy your reading with Susan? Write a brief testimonial
    and help her to be of service to others. Thanks!

    broken image
  • Book Readings


    Half Hour Akashic Records and Holy Spirit Healing

    Half Hour Akashic Records and Holy Spirit Healing

    $60.00 - $75.00
    Start your reading with a message from the Akashic Records. Then Susan will provide a Holy Spirit Healing that will heal your pain, align your chakras, and heal your karmic imbalances, OR receive a card reading using Susan’s oracle cards. If you are a new customer, use the discount.

    Add Susan's book, Abiding Flame, to your order for another $15. Shipping is included.

    Readings are available in person (holistic fair), or over the phone. Purchase your time and then go to the Contact section and use Google calendar to book your time. Call Susan at the time of your appointment.
    Coming soon
    One-Hour Akashic Records, Holy Spirit Healing

    One-Hour Akashic Records, Holy Spirit Healing

    $120.00 - $135.00
    Start your reading with a message from the Akashic Records. Then Susan will provide a Holy Spirit Healing that will heal your pain, align your chakras, and heal your karmic imbalances, OR receive a card reading using Susan’s oracle cards. If you are a new customer.

    Add Susan's book, Abiding Flame, to your order for another $15. Shipping is included.

    Readings are available in person (holistic fair), or over the phone. Purchase your time, and then go to Contact section to book your time. Call Susan at the time of your appointment.

    Appointments can be in your home for personal and group sessions. Contact Susan for details.
    Coming soon


    An epic love story, Abiding Flame transcends generations to show that love never dies. Soulmates travel together through history in Susan's channeled spiritual novel. In this crazy world, isn't nice to know that your soulmates have been with you in many different lives? Family, friends, and lovers are all actors in your illusion of life.

    The main character, Phil Nash, learns about reincarnation, an eternal love story that rises above time, space, and salvation. He experiences his own divinity as he learns about fear and how it can ruin one's life. Karma, his spirit guide, leads him on this journey through six of his other lives. As Phil learns that his life is his to do with as he wants, he also learns that love never dies, negativity has its repercussions, and reincarnation is a blessing. Channeled wisdom from Susan's guides adds to the beauty and wonder of this novel. Let the affirmations and messages of love guide you to a higher frequency as you rise above and see your life mirrored on these pages.

    This book is not suitable for children with adult themes. Shipping is included. The Kindle version is available on Amazon. Go to Products to find the link and order.
    Coming soon
  • What's New

    Podcast, reviews, articles about Susan

    Kindle Version of Abiding Flame


    An article about Susan's healing ability

  • About Susan Lukas


    Susan Lukas is a psychic medium, Akashic Records channel and healer, Reiki Master,

    award-winning artist and author, and oracle card creator. She has been gifted with Holy Spirit healing, a new healing modality created for the ascension. Each soul must choose to be included in the ascension. Holy Spirit healing is one way to achieve this level of awakening.


    Her healing journey began in 2009 when she started to feed her interest in spirituality by reading various books. A friend showed her automatic writing, which she had never seen before, and another friend committed suicide. His death pushed her forward in her quest to understand spirituality more.

    A few years later, she learned of a Spiritualist church and took many classes there to develop her mediumship.

    Sometimes she is asked how she knew this was the path for her, and she replies, she just knew and never doubted it.


    She published her first book, Naturally, She's Dreaming, in 2014 and has been workingin the field of holistic medicine since then. Daily practice of healing, prayers, and affirmations helped her to forgive and leave a sad marriage. Her journey was not always smooth, but with faith and dedication, she found her path to mediumship. Along the way she became a Reiki master, and later learned how to open her Akashic Records, which resulted in her book, Abiding Flame.


    Her gift of channeling grew from her dedication to her studies, daily healing, and practice. She chose to be clairaudient before birth to facilitate this possiblity in her pre-birth planning. From her beginnings as a medium at the Spiritualist church, she has developed into a high-level channel of the Andreas group, which chose her from many souls to represent them during the ascension.

    She is clairaudient, clairvoyant, clairsentient, and claircognizant to deliver messages of love and light to anyone who chooses to receive her messages.


    In all of her daydreams as a little girl, she saw herself as a spiritual being on the path to somewhere different from her family and friends. It was this understanding that helped her to stay strong when others in her life didn't understand her journey.

    How can she help you today?




  •  Events

    October 6, 2024, 10 – 5 PM

    Hilton Chicago/Northbrook, 2855 Milwaukee Avenue, Northbrook, IL


    • To provide healing from the Akashic Records that allows the soul to release karma.
    • To help with stress and pain relief
    • To connect to loved ones
    • To re-establish oneness with God for the client
    • To help the client to believe in its soul mission. You are soul first in a human experience.
    • To focus on soul growth and hope
    • If you are unhappy about your reading or you don't understand it, say so. You will receive a refund as some people are not ready for an Akashic Records reading.
    • Susan cannot control who comes in for evidential messages. She doesn't control or manipulate the messages she receives. As a channel, she delivers what she receives from her guides.
    • Your info will not be shared or discussed with others.
    • Susan believes that she is connected to archangels, Lords and Masters of the Akashic Records, guides, and Ascended Masters who are so full of beautiful, loving energy, it sometimes brings her to tears. She wants to share this with you. She is the real deal and trained in the Spiritualist church, among other places.
    • Susan is not responsible for the choices you make after you receive a reading. If what you are told makes you uncomfortable or seems incorrect, use your best judgment. It's your life, not Susan's. Her guidance is just that, guidance. You are in charge of you.
    • Did you receive a reading from Susan and liked it? Tell your friends. Write a testimonial. 


  • Contact

    Contact Susan with the date you would like to talk.

    Tuesday - Friday, some weekend appointments. 9 am - 6 pm

    Susan will contact you to confirm your appointment.

    Do you want in-person, phone, FaceTime, or Zoom reading?

    You are about to make positive change in your life.


    Susan's spirit guides ask that you contact Susan at the time of your appointment.

    Noone under 18 can receive a reading.

    In-person readings can be at your location with an additional mileage charge.



    Contact Susan for details.

    Southeastern Wisconsin
    414 331-1644